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Movement Politics


Movement Politics

Rising inequality, climate change, democracy in distress - the list goes on. If the last few years have taught us anything, it’s business as usual politics that got us into this mess, and it will not get us out. The vast majority of political campaigns are run in a way that serves the 1%: platforms, campaign and policy priorities dictated by big donors, money spent on TV commercials instead of talking to people, savior candidates unrepresentative of constituents, and almost every important campaign decision is made by mercenary consultants who couldn’t care less about building a long-term movement. That’s because business as usual politics is based on the premise that the next election day is all that matters. Movement politics is based on a different premise: the next Election Day is the nearest punctuation mark in a very long story of building a people-powered movement. This means that our political revolution is happening one voter, one conversation at a time. It is led by people of color, women, immigrants and working class people. It is funded by their donations. It is armed with a bold agenda of racial and economic justice. And to succeed, we must invest in ourselves.


People are hungry for a bold issue agenda that demands a transformed political and economic system - one that puts people and planet first, while dismantling structural sexism and white supremacy. We all agree - no more quick fixes that only tinker with the status quo. Let’s build a value driven future for ourselves and our loved ones. 

Current Focus 

● Movement Politics Committee: bringing together leaders on a monthly basis with the goal of having 50 leaders regularly attending by the end of this year and 100 by the end of next year, please join us first Tuesday of every month. 

● Protecting the Vote: access to the vote is core to success of our election work and continue to protect ballot access. 

● Redistricting: building a network of leaders and bringing together communities to make their voices heard at the redistricting commission so we can win the remap, bring together communities of interest and educate voters about this opportunity to make change. 

● Relational Organizing: empowering leaders to activate their own networks to get engaged in the issue they care about, by training individuals on conversational tactics. 

● Movement Politics Academy: training the next generation of elected leaders at the local and state, and federal levels of government.

We advance this work through:


Civic Engagement and Get-Out-The-Vote

Every year, our volunteers and fellows canvass tens of thousands of residents who are the least likely to vote. We educate and organize community members about the important issues in play in the election, encourage citizens to vote and register new voters. Our voter program is focused on expanding the electorate and bringing new voices into the debate. We regularly run the largest Spanish-speaking get-out-the-vote program in the state.


Candidate Education

When candidates run for office, they hear from lobbyists and special interests, but they often don't hear from the rest of us. We make sure that candidates understand the issues that matter to our communities and develop relationships with people who have faced injustice. Then we can hold them accountable when the get into office.


Movement Politics Academy

We're working to train the next generation of political leaders that reflect our communities. We're developing candidates for office and campaign managers who know how to run grassroots campaigns and are committed to working together.

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